I have been watching videos by and about you on Rudy and Erin’s channel for a while. I was keeping up with Kent Hovind when he was in prison. I did a few videos on him. He was one of my favorite creation scientists. I like a lot of his information on science even though I am geocentric (Earth-centered) model and NOT the heliocentric (Sun centered model) But with this letter than is a non issue at this time. I just wanted to write you and let you know that I am praying for you as many others are, I am fairly sure of that statement..
We are in some weird days, to say the least. God is working big time and so is Satan since he knows he doesn’t have much time left and he is walking about as a roaring lion seeking to whom he may devour. I have been preaching, teaching the word of God for around 30 years and he has proven himself to me many times over. He is a healing, delivering, compassionate, incredible, loving, faithful God and faith moves his hand on our behalf. He is our Father and God if we have been born of his Spirit. Just as our father in the natural if we have a good father wants the best for us SO God the Father wants the best for his children.
I do not believe in the Que Sera Sera junk. God works in and through out lives as we call upon, look to him. He is a faith God and we cannot please him without it. His word produces faith. So just a salvation is brought about though the word so is faith. We are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ we exercise faith in his finished work. We cannot add anything to it NOR take anything from it, we just believe it to be saved. I am sure that you know that.
And when he says Good, he means good. A lot of Christians redefine what is good and evil since they don’t know how to deal with a lot of negative things that comes into our lives, we make it God’s will. God allows many things into our lives that is NOT his will. Perverted sex is NOT God’s will, abortion is NOT God’s will, liars are not God’s will, Cheaters, deceivers, con artists, depravity, evil, etc. NONE of it is God’s will but he allows it for a purpose and the main purpose is that we will SEE just how ugly, evil, depraved we are WITHOUT God. He so wants to bless us, help us, heal us but he is working on us as we submit to him, rely on him and resist the devil.
I just finished writing Schaeffer Cox, since you know Rudy I am sure you know who Schaeffer is . I was asking him about his salvation experience and/or if he has ever received the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not sure how you got saved but I figured it was through Kent Hovind.
It is incredible to see how fast things are coming down for the America and the world BUT God is an unchanging God and he warns us all through his word that sin, evil, corruption destroys nations and we are NOT too big to fall. Matter of fact the bigger we are the harder we will fall. God has blessed this nation like no other nation that I know of and NOW we spit in the face of God and think we will get by with it and we WON’T. I have talked about God’s awesome love but we TEND to forget that this loving God is also just. Without his justice his love would be unbalanced, so to speak. Because of God’s love, he became a man and because of his justice he became sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made righteous and whole in him. His love and justice makes a God like the bible talks about. He is a God that truly cares and does not just talk the talk but walks the walk. He does not just command us to do right but lives in his people to give them the power to do the right he commands.
Rom 5
6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
In conclusion, he furnishes us with the desire, the determination, the strength, and love to do what he has called us to do. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon for those who are his, those who are born of his Spirit and walking in the faith.
In His Majesty’s Service,
Danny Bunn