This once great land has fallen from the ways of the Lord and she
will crumble as every country that has turned their backs on
God has fallen. America is not too big to fall and she is
sinking deeper into the mire of sin every day. The leaders of
this country are trying to make the people think that sodomy is
normal, that abortion has to do with a woman's reproductive
rights and not murder, that we came from the monkey instead of the
God who created us. He wants us to come into his family
and to be his children by repenting of our sin and inviting
Jesus into our life as Lord and Saviour. The Bible puts it
clearly, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach
to any people." (Prov 14:34) Sin destroys individual lives and
countries as a whole. Sin is like a cancer eating at the body of
a person until it destroys you completely and only in God, the
Lord Jesus Christ is there any hope for you as an individual or
this country as a whole.
Religion is coming up out of the
woodwork seeking to bring mankind together and it can't do it
either. The pope of the Roman Catholic church is going all over
the world trying to bring the religions together under his wing
and not to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is telling the voodo people of Haiti
that their beliefs are all right if they are sincere. He's telling the same thing
to the Hindus, Buddhists, the lost in any and every religion, etc. The pope is a unversalist saying that
all religions lead to the same place but the bible says the opposite unless
we are saying that all religions lead to hell and that is correct. Jesus
came to give us life not religion. The bible says that there will be a one
world religion in the last days but it won't last long. It is a Satanic imitation
seeking to accomplish only what God can do and that is bring all
into a true unity and love for one another. And he will do it for all those
who have been born again, born of God.
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