Roman Catholic Beliefs- Part 7- The only true Church?- 3 of 5
Part 7 of "Cathechism Chat"
Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me.
And you will not come to me that you may have life."
(John 5:39,40; Douay Version)
Okay, this article is continuing on to the Catholics regarding the only true Church. And I'll be continuing in the catechism book by William J. Cogan, "A Catechism for Adults". These last few times, I have been discussing 'Lesson 16: The Church' Now, we are on question #5 which says,
"5. How long did Jesus want His church to last?'
Ans. Until the end of the world.
(verse used) "I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world" [Matthew 28:20]."
COMMENTS: I've already discussed that the 'church' is people, those born of God. And the church most definitely will last till the end of time. If we want to redefine 'church' as the 'Catholic religion' then we have a few problems. The Catholic Church isn't anything like it was when it started, there has been so many traditions added and I've discussed those before like the 'Rosary', prayers for dead people, purgatory, adoration of Mary, indulgences, etc.
Next question, #6,
"6. Can you find and recognize His church in modern times?
Ans. Yes, it is the church with a direct line to the Apostles in its history and its authority; it is universal and holy and has unity; it cannot teach error and cannot be destroyed. (verse used) "Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" [Matthew 28:20].
The Catholic bible says, 'Carefully study to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.'(2 To Timothy Ch.2:15; Douay Version) There are ever so many churches 'per se' that tell you that they are the only true church, that either God restored his church through one of their people or they have a direct line to the apostles, etc. Groups like the 'Church of Christ', The Roman Catholic Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Way International, The Moonies (Unification Church), The Jehovah's Witnesses and many, many more to numerous to mention. It's like they're saying, "Hey let's start a church and tell the people that they can only get to God through our particular group, our system of things. then they go from there to charging money for 'the baptism of the Holy Spirit', prayers for dead family members and other things.
And as far as unity goes, the Catholic church is far from unified because people are beginning to think for themselves, to study for themselves what they are being taught and because of that, there are Christian Catholics which are no longer Roman Catholics. Now I'm playing with words, 'Catholic means universal and Christianity is for everyone so it is universal' but as I've shared before, Roman Catholics and Christians are incompatible terms. You just can't be both by definition. The Roman Catholic Church tried their best to keep the bible from coming out in the common language so that the common people could read it but they couldn't stop it from happening. Take a little time and read the lives of some of the reformers like Wesley, Tynsdale, Wycliffe, Huss, and many others and how the Catholic Church succeeded in killing many of them but the Spirit of God was at work in the Church, his people and it, the reformation, couldn't be stopped. The people must have access to the word of God and read it for themselves to be set free and also to teach them what God wants to do in and through their lives. Back to the different types of Catholics. There are liberal Catholics, charismatic Catholics, conservative Catholics, traditional Catholics, etc. but to be a true Roman Catholic, you must believe the doctrines that are put out by the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church when he speaks 'ex cathedra'. They are to be binding on all members of the church.
Remember, Jesus said, "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. (Ck. St. Matt. Ch.24:11) And the only way that we are going to be able to tell the false from the true is to keep our eyes on Jesus, study the scriptures, pray and meditate on his word. But it needs to be his true word, the King James Version (KJV). Keep close to him at all costs. Test the spirits, does what you hear line up with his word. If not you better stay clear of the teachings they lead the wrong way. In Prov. 14:12, we read these words: "There is a way which seemed just to a man; but the ends thereof lead to death." (Douay) Why?? Because man's way doesn't work, but God's way does and that is through his Son, Jesus Christ. That one time sacrifice paid the debt in full and all those who receive him (Jesus) as their Lord and Saviour become new creatures, forgiven and cleansed from all sin.
I'm going to skip these next few questions because they deal with the same things that I have been speaking on during these last few articles.
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