Roman Catholic Beliefs- Part 9- The only true Church?- 5 of 5
Part 9 of "Cathechism Chat"
Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me.
And you will not come to me that you may have life."
(John 5:39,40; Douay Version)
This article is to the Roman Catholics continuing on regarding the only true church. I've been going through their Catechism book entitled, "A Catechism for Adults" by William J. Cogan. I've been going through 'Lesson 16: The Church'. I am on question 12, which says,
"12.Why do we say that the Catholic Church is holy?
(answers)a)Its founder, Jesus Christ, is holy
b)it teaches a holy doctrine
c)it gives its members what is needed to lead a holy life
d)thousands of its members from every walk of life, every race and every period of history have become saints."
Let's take a section at a time. First, quoting the question again.
"Why do we say the Catholic Church is holy?
a) Its founder, Jesus Christ, is holy"
That is poor logic and very poor word. If my parents were Christians when I was born, does that mean that I am a Christian? Certainly not! Using the same logic, just because Jesus is holy, that doesn't necessarily make me immediately holy. In one way it is a process, a growing experience. I'm seeking to be holy even as He is holy. I submit to God, resist the devil and I experience one victory after another. And as I grow in him, I become more and more like Jesus because of his word and by his Spirit in my life. He conforms me to His image. And that isn't an outward appearance like the Mormons think, it's inward. I cultivate more of his character, his righteousness, his holiness, his very life becomes more and more evident in my life. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! (That reminds me, one time I saw the pictures supposedly of Jesus and God the Father in a Mormon Missionary Handbook. They looked like twins. They both had a white moustache and beard, long white hair, matching robes, etc.) So based on the Mormon interpretation of image then Christians who are saved to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ will look exactly alike in heaven. We won't know who is who just as I couldn't tell who was God the Father and who was Jesus Christ in the Mormon Missionary Handbook, sad!
But back to the subject at hand, it is also true in the positional sense that I was born righteous, holy, complete when I received Jesus into my life. He made me that way and as I grow in him, that gift, that nature is more and more manifested in my life. I don't work to get saved or stay saved, I work because I am saved. He made me a brand new creature and I want to live for him. He strengthens me, leads me and all Christians the same way, that being by the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!
Check these verses out and read them in context, they cover the things that I have been talking about. The Scriptures are II Corinth. 5:17, Phil. 2:13, Col. 3:10, John 3:16.
Okay, now we are on the second part of the answer or part b. of the same question.
"b) it teaches a holy doctrine"
As I have asked before, what is so holy about teaching that you are literally eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus Christ, it sounds more like cannibalism to me or charging money to pray people out of a purgatory that doesn't exist or saying the rosary, a series of repetitions saying the same thing over and over, mostly 'hail Mary'. God hates repetitious prayers coming out of your head and not prayers from your heart. It is just something to do for religious reasons, it's dead and prayers to Mary won't get past the ceiling. She can't hear them. She is just a human like any of us. Worship and prayers to dead saints, heathen nations do that, but not Christians. Those who are born of God can go directly to him with their petitions. All Christians are saints to God, they don't wait until they die, they are saints right now. God says so! I sure don't want to argue with him. I just praise him for making us that way when we are born-again. Check these verses out on what I was just speaking on. Scriptures like I John 1:9, Heb. 4:14-16, Acts 9:32-43, really dwell on John 6 concerning the body and blood of Jesus, there are some really good teachings there but remember the carnal mind is an enemy to God, it can't understand the things of God. You must be teachable and open to Jesus Christ to receive revelation and guidance. He is willing to teach, are you willing to learn? John Chapters 14-16 has a lot to say regarding the subject of learning and hearing from God.
Now the third part of the answer or c) of the same question,
"c) it gives its members what is needed to live a holy life"
This particular part I won't stay on very long since I've gotten into this before. What they are saying is that they give the sacraments, the rosary, the prayers for the dead, forgiveness of sins by a priest, etc. and all the above have been shown to be false. None of it is needed and none of it is of God! But praise be to God, he is calling and many are coming out. Hallelujah!
Finally, the fourth part of the answer or d) which says,
"d) thousands of its members from every walk of life, every race and every period have become saints."
A saint isn't someone who has died, it is everyone that has been born-again, born of God. As I have said a little earlier in this discussion, all Christians are saints to God not when they die, they are saints right now, God says so! I'm not going to argue with him.
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