Roman Catholic Beliefs- Part 14- The New Question Box... Many Questions but very few Answers.

Part 14 of "Cathechism Chat"

Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me. And you will not come to me that you may have life."
(John 5:39,40; Douay Version)

I got "The New Question Box" by John J. Dietzen at the Catholic Bookstore in Boise and I will be sharing some things out of it. The guy who wrote the book doesn't seem to know the answers to very many questions. Whether we are talking about evolution (p. 7), Adam and Eve (p.6), he doesn't know when the Sabbath is (p. 119). he doesn't know if homosexuality is a sin (p. 133). He talks about the bread at the Eucharist becoming the body of Jesus by quoting a little kid to prove it in a childish manner, of course (p. 146) and then goes on to say that the altar also is the body of Christ and that is why the Priests kiss it (p. 152). Kinda reminds me of Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss. The Roman Catholic priests and ordained ministers betray the real Jesus by kissing a false Jesus, an altar. Jesus said false Christs and false prophets shall arise and deceive many (Matt. 24:24; 2 Corinth. 11:12-15; Gal. 2:4; 2 Peter 2:1,2).

Most everything that I read whether we are talking about marriage and divorce and remarriage, sex within marriage, marrying non-Catholics etc. Transexual surgery isn't necessarily wrong in this book either. He just doesn't have any answers, just questions, so this book is most certainly 'The Question Box.' This book is very wishy-washy compared to another Question Box that I have written in 1929. At least the guy in 1929 thought that he had the answers because he sure wasn't answering the questions with questions. If you are tired of your questions being answered with more questions then come to the one with the answers, his name is Jesus Christ and his book, the holy bible (KJV) has the answers to your questions.

The bible will give you answers to your questions like: "Is homosexuality wrong? For sure, read the 1st Chapter of Romans. Was there one Adam and Eve? Yes, read the first two chapters of Genesis. Is a sex change wrong? Yes, God created man and woman, he knows what he is doing. Is Jesus the bread and wine at the Eucharist? No, and read a chapter that the Roman Catholics used to prove that he is, John 6. But read it in context and expecially pay attention to v. 35- To come to Jesus Christ is to eat and to believe on him is to drink. And in the greek, he uses a word signifing that the bread and the wine represents his body and blood not has become his body and blood. The word tells me that there is only one Christ and any other is a false Christ. So come to the real Lord Jesus Christ for life and he will give you the answers that you so badly need. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He loves you. If I may talk with you deeper, please e-mail me. Thanks!

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