Roman Catholic Beliefs- Part 17- Is the Roman Catholic Church necessary for salvation?
Part 17 of "Cathechism Chat"
Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me.
And you will not come to me that you may have life."
(John 5:39,40; Douay Version)
I'll be tying in some points when I was speaking before regarding water baptism and it not needed to become a child of God 'hence the Roman Catholic church is not needed. This part needs to be repeated also and that being water baptism is an outward sign of an inward change brought about when Jesus Christ was received into our lives as Lord and Saviour. The Lord Jesus Christ and he alone forgives our sins when we receive into our lives through faith just be asking him to come in and make us new, he does. He cleanses us by his blood shed thousands of years ago. Sounds unbelievable but it's true. He became sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. All of this happens and more when we receive him into our lives. It is a free gift and he offers it to all who reach out and receive his forgiveness. Now in "A Catechism For Adults" by Rev.(?) William J. Cogan, "Lesson 16:The Church", question 18 says,
"18. Is there an obligation to belong to the Catholic Church?
(answer) Yes, it is a kind of a sacrament or sign of intimate union with God and the instrument established by Jesus for uniting us to Him as our personal Savior."
'Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ, would refuse to enter her or remain in her could not be saved' (Vatican Council II, The Church, par. 14)
By the way, that quote he uses from Vatican II can be found in the book, The Documents of Vatican II by Walter M. Abbott, S.J.
Back to question 18. Right under it under the sub-title- Practical Points, no. 1 says,
"1. The Catholic church accepts members of other Christian churches with respect and affection as brothers. We believe that all who believe in Jesus Christ and have been properly baptized have been in fact already brought into a certain, though incomplete, union with the Catholic Church."
We need to see some contradictions and we need to see a few mis-guided lies by a confused person or deliberate lies by a deceiver.
First, we need to see what the Roman Catholic determines water baptism is and who gives it. Going to Lesson 19: The Sacrament of Baptism. We are going to skip the first few questions since I dwelt with them before when I showing water baptism doesn't save.
Going to question 6, quoting:
"6. Who gives Baptism?
(answer) Ordinarily, the priest, but anyone can baptize in an emergency?"
So I ask, what is an emergency? Is an emergency really letting a Protestant (one who protests a Roman Catholic dictatorship) baptize someone? Or even a Protestant who baptizes someone not so that he can receive forgiveness of sins but so that he can show others that he wants to follow the Lord by outwardly showing them that he has already been buried with Christ and risen to a newness of life. That being Spirit baptism when he received the Lord, the Holy Spirit baptized him into the Body of Christ.
Before we go to question 7, do you really believe that a Protestant, those who protest Roman Catholicism, who baptize a person is really accepted by the Roman Catholic hierarchy? I think not! I think that we have some mind games going on but for now let's go to question 7 in the catechism book which says,
"7. How is Baptism given?
(answer) It is given by pouring water over the forehead of the person to be baptized and saying while pouring the water, 'I baptize thee in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 18:19)."
We looked at a Protestant doing the baptism, now we need to look at the mode of baptism. Since the Roman Catholic Church puts so very much importance on water baptism, that being that salvation comes through it, the mode would be very important. What about all those Protestants (there is that word again) not only believing that baptism doesn't save but they baptize by immersion or even by sprinkling. Does the Roman Catholic hierarchy really believe that they are brought into union with Jesus Christ through water baptism and yet they don't really care how it is done or by who in an emergency. Strange to say the least. It seems to me that we are in some sobering times. We better be thinking like we have never thought before. Satan knows that his time is running out and the Word teaches me that in the last days, a great deception will come upon the earth. Search the scriptures, God's word remains true. He is calling many, answer that call, He'll give you eternal life.
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