Could a person be saved by reading the plan of salvation from one of the new versions?


The Old Testament records many times when the nation of Israel was just one generation away from total apostasy. King James verses are still widely quoted by a generation of pastors and teachers who have memorized its passages. Many salvations are resulting from this. The new birth occurs from the KJV seed. First Peter 1:23 says: "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever."

Some wonderful pastors are unknowingly handing new converts versions like the NIV, in which sixty-four thousand words have been taken away. What did we just read? "Satan cometh immediately," as soon as "the sower soweth the word" "and taketh away the word." The spirit is reborn, but the spiritual growth is going to be aborted.

Please consider the possible parallelism of these two events. The year is 1973. Roe vs. Wade- the Supreme Court legalizes abortion. The NIV New Testament is published. The first attacked the babe in the womb, the second attacked the babe in scripture. The womb was once the safest place for the baby; the church was once the safest place for the teachings of Christ to babes in Christ. But once again, he is "wounded in the house of my friends" (Zech. 13:6).

I maintain there is no need to contend for NIV crumbs when the master's table is laden with "the children's bread" (Matt. 15:26). Many people are being born again through this KJV seed, but we are seeing a body of Christ starving and withering on the vine. We may see some new births, but there are eight things we are not seeing:

However there is one rather temporary advantage in using a "new" bible version: you will not be persecuted. Isaiah 66:5 indicates that those Christians who "tremble at his word" will be "hated" and "cast" out by their "brethren." The advantage is temporary, though, because these "brethren" will be "ashamed" at the coming of the LORD. "Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed."

So, if someone takes your head off for standing for the word of God, know that it is merely a foreboding shadow of the coming tribulation when saints will be "beheaded... for the word of God" (Rev. 20:4) and "slain for the word" (Rev. 6:9).