Jesus is like a lamp and he is called light in the word of God. God of the O.T. is called light and now when God came in human flesh, he was as a lamp shining light and he is exposing the unfruitul works of darkness. One day all the junk done in secret will be brought to the light. Even though the things done in darkness are now coming to the light and people are pretending that they are proud of sexual perversion, it hasn't come into the light of God's love, God's truth, or by God's Spirit or there would be repentance. A turning away from the evil to God and his love, his peace, his purity, his over all life.
Gay did mean happy, light hearted and that
surely doesn't fit the homosexual community.
If we use some common sense, we can plainly
see that man and man sexually speaking is a mis-match but woman and man
is a perfect setup. The gentials, the lubrication and so on was designed
by God Almighty. The Creator condemned man and man sexually speaking just
as he did woman with woman. The Bible calls it giving them over to a reprobate
mind. Think about it! Homosexuals have one of the highest suicide rates
in the world. They can't live long in that kind of behavior, it is too
hard on them, too demanding. Read Romans 1 in the Bible, KJV. It spells
it out in fairly plain terms. As the old saying goes, "God made Adam
and Eve, not Adam and Steve." God created us and knows all about us.
He knows what makes us tick, he knows us inside and out and he also knows
that he is the only one who can satisfy our inner most need. I am not getting
very deep into these issues right at the moment. I am just giving a little
food for thought. God commanded mankind to multiply and replenish the earth,
man with man can't do that but man with woman can.
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