The Cream of the Crop!
Written by Danny Bunn,B.A. (Born-Again believer in the Lord
Jesus Christ)
Chapter 29
Answered Prayer of Healing & Deliverance
Cindy goes into the kitchen to start making supper. She is
singing and praising the one to whom every knee is going to bow
and every tongue is going to confess as Lord to the glory of God
the Father. She knows that his name is Jesus and he was
prophesied as being called Emmanuel in the O.T. which is God
with us. People acknowledged him as Immanuel or "God with us"
everywhere he went, they were worshipping and praising him and
worship and praise is reserved for God. This man who was named
Jesus was just like us, he was tempted, tired, hungry, weary, on
and on it goes. He went through what we have been through so he
could be a faithful high priest and we will need no other. He is
the perfect one in every way. Her mind goes to certain things
that she doesn't understand but she is still young in the Lord
but as she continues to seek his face, the Lord is revealing more
and more to her. He so desires that we spend time with him. We
spend time in the things that we really want to know, to learn in
the natural such as biology, chemistry, etc. so why not spend
time with the Creator and learn at his feet as did Mary when
Jesus walked this planet.
Cindy is thinking about the fall and how that mankind fell into sin,
all of creation was affected, probably in ways that we cannot imagine.
There were not things such as burning, scorching heat, thorns, thistles,
dry, barren desert land, freezing Anartic weather. There were no sicknesses,
diseases, no pain, suffering and look at the world now. That is
about all that we see all of the time and it is so easy to become
insensitive to it. To ignore it or pretend that it is the Lord's
will for people. We have drifted so far from the Lord and so
hardened to his voice yet he continues to call, to convict, to
draw, to heal those who are looking to him. The word talks about
how it is impossible to please God without faith and Cindy has
heard preachers say that it isn't really important whether you
have faith or not, whether you believe the Lord or not for
certain things, he will do it anyway. That seems so unbiblical
to Cindy as she is going over verses that she has memorized such
as III John v.2, Philemon v.6, or Matt. 22:21, John 15:7 and so
many others that she has read in the word of God.
Then her mind goes to Jesus when he walked this planet and how
he healed all who came to him in faith, all of them. Doesn't the bible
say that Jesus did not many mighty works because of their unbelief?
Also that Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever?
Are these verses and others true today or is it that we are in
another dispensation, another time period and God doesn't do
those things today? But wait, weren't the disciples doing those
things when the church age started, after Jesus' death, burial,
and resurrection? Well then aren't we in the same dispensation
that they were living in? And what about those who say that
healing passed away with the disciples? Didn't Jesus say that
those who believed on him would do the works that he did and even
greater because he is going to the Father and whatever we ask in
his name, he will do it? Is that promise still true. Cindy is thinking,
"I am a believer and I believe, are those promises
not for me? Jesus said to those who believe not just to the
original disciples!
We are called the body of Christ, why would we have that title
unless we did by his Spirit within our lives the very thing that he did?
Doesn't Jesus still want to heal, to deliver, to totally save others
through our words, our laying on hands, our dependency on him
for the things that we need to do the things that he has called us
to do? He even went on to say that he will do it within us and through
us because we are asking in faith. Cindy comes out of her semi-trance
to the real world of burnt meat loaf and to tea that has been cooked
dry. Oh well! Praise the Lord anyway. She tries to tidy things up a bit
and redo a few items such as make some more tea, and scrape off
the burnt parts of the meat loaf. She thanks the Lord for a mind
to use, and a new spirit to hear from him now. Cindy knows that
the Lord will teach her the things that she needs to know as she
seeks his face on it and not just going to a pastor, or Sunday
school teacher or a deacon, or bishop but to him, the Lord of
Glory. Test the spirits, keeps coming to her mind. Cindy stops
the thought flow for a second and turns her attention to prayer
and understanding, to insight, for help! She knows what a lot of
older Christians haven't taken the time to learn and that is true
knowledge, wisdom, understanding from God. He WILL lead and
guide us unto all truth as we look to him.
Well, time to put the food on the table as she looks at her
watch and it is 15 minutes after 7:00pm. She is thinking, "Joe
should be back any minute." No sooner thought than she hears the
front door open, "Honey, I'm home! What's for supper?" Cindy
hollers back, "Go wash your hands and come and get it!" She is
thinking, "I hope he likes burnt meat-loaf!" Joe comes into the
dining room about 5 mintues later. He says, "Smells goo...
burnt!" She says, "Correct! I was talking with the Lord!" Joe
says, "Oh, and he told you to burn the food!" Cindy laughs!
"Joe, sit down and crunch away. This might really be your last
meal!" Joe says, "I am sorry honey" and then says, "I am sorry
God!" Cindy says, "Apology accepted from both sources, I am
sure!" They pray and share their day with each other. Joe
mentions a few things at work but nothing spectacular and Cindy
shares some of her questions that has been going on in her mind
today. Joe listens intently and says, "Yea, I see where you are
coming from Cindy, we need to really get before the Lord on
that!" Cindy nods in agreement, "For sure!" Before she leaves
the dinner table, Joe brings the rose and card that he bought her
for being the most wonderful wife in the whole wide world. Joe
is thinking, "Even the most wonderful people can burn food every
once and a while, I guess!"