n. Man making a monkey out of himself, Part 2.
I want to deal with the other so-called proofs that supposedly show that
man came from a monkey. Now we come to Piltdown Man and this find was in
1912 and the scientists of that day were sure that they found the missing link
between monkey and man. They made the exciting discovery that it was
500,000 years old. But 41 years later, they started really checking out their find
and looked closer at the "proof" that man came from monkey.
They found out that the teeth were filed down and the bones were stained to
appear old. It was another hoax, a sham but it isn't hard to fool people who
deperately want some "proof" that our ancestors were monkeys. "Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools".
Next we have Nebraska Man when a tooth was found in 1922. It was
determined that this was the "proof" between a chimpanzee, Pithecanthrophus
(an extinct ape), and man. This "piece of evidence" was used at the "Scopes
Monkey Trial" in Tennessee in 1925 to "prove" that man came from monkey.
But that is not the end of the story, the tooth was shown for what it really was,
a tooth from an extinct pig. I said before, "Evolution is man making a monkey
out of himself". Well here is a case where a pig make a monkey out of a man.(1)
They have very few pieces of bones that supposedly prove man came
from monkey. You could put them all on top of a kitchen table. And just about
all of them have been shot down, proven wrong. They were either from real
monkeys, pigs, a man with arthritis, or faked to prove something that cannot be
Next in line is a little information for those who seem to think that
Creationism is religious not scientific and evolutionism is scientific not
"In striking down the Arkansas 'Balanced Treatment Act' in 1982, Judge
Overton contended that the theory of creation could not be a part of science
because he thought it could be derived only from a religious document. This
demonstrated his ignorance of the process of science. That is akin to saying
that because evolution is the basis of the first two tenets of the Humanist
Manifesto (the statement of faith of a tax extempt religious organization) then it
could not be true or be part of science. Indeed the manifesto, signed by a
number of prominent evolutionists, does read:
"'Tenet 1: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not
"'Tenet 2: Humanism believes that man is a part of nature and that he has
emerged as a result of continuous process.'
"Using Judge Overton's kind of logic, one would be compelled to exclude
evolution from science because many of the original formulators and promoters
of the theory such as Herbert Spencer (an atheist), Charles Darwin (an agnostic)
and Thomas Huxley (an agnostic), had religious motivations. It is undoubtedly
true that these men first became anticreationists and nontheists on religious
grounds. But this has no bearing on whether or not evolution might be the
correct explanation of origins or whether it meets the requirements of a
scientific theory. The resolution of those questions is a matter entirely separate
from the motivation issue."(2)
As I have shown in another pamphlet, the only missing link is a Saviour
missing in the hearts of mankind. They seek to replace a possible relationship
with the Almighty God with a kinship to a monkey. Only sin could take a man
so low that he would prefer that to God. The worst thing that God did was to
come in human flesh and die for our sins to bring us back into a relationship
with himself. He paid the price in full and when he said, "It is finished", he
meant what he said. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ today. He is calling and no
other can save to the utmost as he can.
Well we close with what would be the forbidden fruit to the evolutionist,
that being the banana and we are left with nothing but the skin. When we
pulled back the covering, there was no banana inside just as we pulled the
covering off of evolution and there was no proof inside. Just weak, pitiful
theories, guesswork, wishful thinking and why would anyone think that coming
from a monkey is wishful thinking is beyond me. Oh well, we all live and learn
and some learn less than others. If we are not willing to test our beliefs with
the facts then I guess we can all go out and have a banana, life is short. Eating
the 'forbidden' fruit will make one wise or at least that is what the devil said at
one time. But then most evolutionists say they don't believe in a devil. So we
will see in the end but if the Christian is correct then the end is to late to see.
It is now or never. Jesus is still in the saving business and I am not talking
green stamps as one gang member had on the back of his jacket in a book that I
read. Jesus is into saving souls, lives from hell and giving life at its fullest.
(1) Check "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation", Vol.1 by Dennis R. Petersen,
B.S., M.A., pgs. 122-123
(2) Darwin's Enigma, Luther D. Sutherland, pgs. 37-38.