Watch these videos on "Creatures that Defy Evolution"
Some short clips from the series, "Creatures that Defy Evolution"

Evolution: n. Man making a monkey out of himself

Evolution: n. Man making a monkey out of himself- Part 2

Evolution teaches that all things have a common ancestor...Part 3

Some quotes from scientists regarding evolution!

More insight on Dinosaurs

Part of a local bulletin board discussion on dinosaurs.

The Gap Theory???

Evolution and the Pope

I thought the article below where Scientific American is trying to sue some Creationists was funny in a sad way.
The rebuttal by the Creationist is below that link.
What some evolutionists will do to cram their "religion" down everyone's throat.
Scientific American threatens AiG
Here is the rebuttal...
15 ways to refute materialistic bigotry:
A point by point response to Scientific American
by Jonathan Sarfati

Institute for Creation Research

Creation Science

Free Bible Resources

Go to this link to watch a lot of Kent Hovind's videos on creation vs evolution
whether it is his seminars or debates and other subjects. Many of them are here.

Science Against Evolution Official Home Page

Evolution Facts

Evolution the Lie

Evolution News and Views

YEC Headquarters

The Great Dinosaur Mystery

The Creation Research Society

Creation Evidence

Here is another page packed with information regarding evolution and creation.

It's a Young World After All

You can read this book online now...

A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism
There are educated guesses that over 10,000 scientists do not believe in macro evolution.

Some Real Scientists Reject Evolution
Do any scientists with Ph.D. degrees reject the theory of evolution? Yes, they do!

Prof. Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.
Dept. of Math & Comp. Science

Also check his other page out-
Official Geocentricity Web Site

A well written article on Geocentricity


Check out a few videos for your viewing pleasure.

Evolution Gets Owned

And they call us fools?

Richard Dawkins Duped and Fooled

World Famous "Atheist" believes there is a God

Ekklesia Communicator Main Page