teaches that all things have a common ancestor - Part 3
Let’s deal with change. Evolution teaches living organisms, animals change from one
creature to another, to a better or more complex one. Let’s see if that theory holds true. A quick look at the simplest organism will show us some interesting things. The protoplasm was called a “simple” one celled creature.
"Not long ago the single living cell was called a 'simple cell.' But not anymore! The bulk of
the cell body was thought to be a jelly-like mass of what was called 'protoplasm' which simply means
'living substance.' In 1963 Dr. George Palade of the Rockefeller Institute in New York discovered there
is more to it than meets the eye. What he found was an amazing intricate system throughout the
protoplasm. Now it's called 'endoplasmic reticulum' (E.R. for short). This vast labyrinth of incredibly
fine tubes and chains of minute bags totally permeates the entire cell body. The E.R. has been described
as one of the most complicated and beautiful structures in the universe. Another long-held concept of
modern science has crumbled. The idea that molecules just bang around haphazardly in the jelly-like
protoplasm has been discarded because of the new light on the subject." "Scientists today tell us that
the single cell is more complex than a large city. As in a city, so it is in a cell. Systems are working
and jobs are being done by the thousands. But unlike cities, the cell functions perfectly with no
breakdowns! "The adult human may have as many as 60 trillion of these walled cities. Think of the
details that are going on constantly:
. structural design
. energy generators
. invasion guards
. transport systems
. food factories
. protective barriers
. waste disposal systems
. communication links within and outside the cell city
"The surface membrane of a cell is amazingly delicate but equally as "powerful" in its control of the
cell system. It's less than a third of a millionth of an inch think. It controls the entry and exit of
everything for the cell. It behaves almost as if it had the chemical senses of taste and smell. When a
desirable molecule floats by, the membrane forms a little 'finger' that reaches out and pulls the needed
nutrient inside. Crucial chemical enzymes coat the skin of the cell, transferring information to and from other cells. The cell could not survive without these enzymes functioning precisely as they always do."
"The RNA is the messenger in the metropolis of a cell. It looks like DNA but it has a passport to leave
the nucleus. With incredible speed the RNA molecule acts like a computer printer. Let's see what happens.
1st- The master DNA and the messenger RNA intertwine in a split second.
2nd- The DNA instantly imprints a section of its code on the RNA and then separates from it.
3rd- The RNA rushes to the edge of the cell city to transfer its code to enzymes one after another, in
rapid-fire succession.
4th- Each enzyme, by this code, is commissioned to do a particular job somewhere in the larger
"The whole mass of cells within the body communicates by RNA. According to experts, they somehow cooperate' to act like a dog, a fish, a man, or whatever the organism is supposed to be. That 'somehow' is the insoluble mystery to secular scientists who choose not to begin their research on the
factually solid foundation of God and His word.
"O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" Rom 11:33 (KJV)
A CURIOUS NOTE "Scientists have discovered that DNA is found in the nucleus of ALL living things, cells with the exception of red blood cells and a few certain viruses. Is it not strange that the one component which science has singled out as the 'mysterious basis of All life' (DNA) is NOT found in what God's word tells us is where the very essence of life is? "The life of the flesh is in the blood...'
Leviticus 17:11.(1)
"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!" Psa 139:17
(1)Unlocking The Mysteries of Creation, Vol. 1 (except the KJV quotes)
by Dennis R. Peterson, B.S., M.A.
This shows us that it is a very complex creature, super complex.
Now that we saw the protoplasm is not a simple creature we need to carry this logic a little
further. Let’s try to walk through a fish slowly evolving to a land animal. What happens first? When does it go from fins to lungs? What about the legs and feet that it would need on the land? Does it first get its lungs then flops out of the water so it can breathe air? And if it did, how did it do that? It had to evolve slowly, very slowly. Did it evolve to where it was breathing air and/or water at the same
time? And if so how? Wouldn’t that make it more complicated than when it evolved further to the
point of just breathing air? Wouldn’t that also contradict evolution since things are supposedly
progressing not regressing.
If we somehow get around this problem then what does it do while waiting for feet and legs
so it can go find food? What does it do to ward off the predators? Where did the predators come
from in the first place? How did they make it? Remember, by evolution the process is very slow. So
how long can it go without food waiting for the other body parts to evolve? A couple of million years
perhaps I think not!
The bible teaches that all animals were created in the beginning “after its kind.” Or to say, in
certain groups and those groups can’t change over from one to another such as having a dog mate with a cat or a horse mate with a cow, etc. Have you ever heard of a cog or a dat? Have you ever seen a corse or a how? These animals do not exist. Animals are within their own separate groups and will
stay that way unless we genetically mess with them making them freaks or mutations. They will then be abnormal and will not live as long or be as healthy as they were.
Evolutionists now teach in children’s books and other places that a dinosaur laid an egg and
out of it flew a bird, the first of his kind. I guess that bird was flying around looking for his mate and he had to wait until another dinosaur decided to do the same miracle. Evolutionists say they don’t
believe in miracles but “evolution” is truly the greatest miracle ever. It is a fairy tale disguised as science. They believe in things that they have never seen happen and common sense teaches against it.
They have never seen one animal evolve into another type of animal yet they believe it. Evolution is just another religion based on humanism. That we are our own gods and we determine our destiny. Since the evolutionists’ first theory-Darwinism, which was taught as a fact in schools for years, is
being shot to pieces today by creationists then they must come up with a new theory or theories. This dinosaur to bird is one and there is the one about some beings from another planet dropping us off here long time ago. They have others but these two will work to show that they do not know what they
believe anymore. Many religions change with the times and evolution is no different.
Creation teaches things, animals, humans break down and get worse and/or eventually die.
This is what we see happening. The reason for this sort of phenomena is sin. Things break down and die because sin corrupts, kills, destroys. It was not a part of God’s original creation. Man had a choice and he chose the wrong way and sin became a part of our world. We seek man made answers
and reject God’s answer written out plainly in his word for us. His answer is in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord desires to save us, set us free from sin, and empower us to live for him. He wants us to walk victoriously over sin and escape its consequences. The ultimate consequence of sin is hell. It was created for the devil and his angels but those who reject the Lord’s free gift of everlasting life will go to be with the devil. God doesn’t want that for us but he gives us a choice. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2:8,9)