Teachings from the true word of God, the KJV, for the English speaking people...
2. Anger
3. Our Focus
4. The Blood
5. God changes his mind at times
6. Can Christians forgive the sins of others?
7. The Church
8. Commitment
9. Courage
10. Power in Prayer
11. Gideon, A Brave Man
12. In my Father's hand
13. Out of the Father's hand
14. The Rod
15. I Cor. 13- The Love Chapter
16. Acts 16- Some things we might go through to see God glorified
17. Law vs Grace
18. Once Saved, Always Saved???
19. Faith, Faith, Faith
I. Christ-mas is almost here!
II. Merry Christ-mass--ho ho ho
III. The Christmas Story
Book of John
Chapters will be added weekly
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