Site Links in alphabetical order

Abortion Information

Atheism New links inside!

Baptisms in the word of God

Barack Obama THE Anti-Christ???
Obama is just one anti-christ of many which is to come before the real Christ Jesus comes.

Bibles- True and Perverted Ones

Calvinism..., I mean Fatalism

Calvinism...,The 5 Points



Christian Music and Rap

Corona Virus Scare

Corrupt Government

"Cream of the Crop"©
by Danny Bunn,B.A.
A fiction book I wrote with a lot of truth all through it and things I would like to see in the body of Christ, the church.

Creation/Evolution Articles and Videos

Cults and/or False Religions even a little on the true Christian religion
NEW links on other false religions inside link above from Roman Catholics to Muslims to 7th Day Adventists to Jehovah's Witnesses to Mormons and many others. This world is going bananas and I do not believe in the false religion called evolution either. I deal with it in a separate link above.

Danny Bunn's Preaching and Teaching Videos


Donald Trump- the greatest President in my lifetime and it looks like he will be the worst one too!


Gun Control

More new information inside
Hebrew Christians


Jesus! Jesus?

John (a study)

Links to Other Sites of Interest

More new information inside
Miscellaneous Topics

More Than Conquerors
In the above link I share some of my study with you regarding the deity of Jesus Christ.

News Room

Politics, a lot of Con Artists and a few Good Guys

Reading Room - Check out some of my articles on many different subjects.

Salvation of the body, soul, and spirit

Second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ snd some mixed thoughts

Septuagint or LXX doesn't equal 72 or truth

Sexual Perversion
newball (4K)More new links insidenewball (4K)



Zipping it Up!

John 8
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Listen closely to what Jesus Christ is saying. Those who CONTINUE in the word of God are his disciples and those are the ones who will be set free for eternity.

MOST Christians are denying the Lord Jesus Christ with their lives EVEN though they might be going to a church building every week or every day. They are NOT being a light on the hill shining his light everyday by the things they say and do around others especially the lost. Jesus left us here to be his witness in this dark world and IF we are NOT shining his light then the world will go into deeper darkness,he put it in our hands by commanding us to go and preach the gospel, share his life with others. The word of God puts it this way: "16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt 5:16)
AND our light is shining when we are talking to others about Jesus Christ OR helping others in his name or giving by his Spirit. Just moving in the love of God around your neighbors, friends, enemies, stangers, whoever, whenever or wherever.

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